We considered the equation
Int((1-t)/((t+1)*sqrt(t)),t = 0 .. 1) = 2/3*hypergeom([1, 2],[5/2],1/2);
The left hand side led us to the identity
which is equivalent to Euler's famous formula
and led us further to propose the extrapolation method
for numerical evaluation of Pi. But then it became clear, that an efficient computation of
'pi(x)' = 'sum(2^(x+2)/((n+1/2+2^x)^2+(2^x)^2),n=0..infinity)';
would pay our bill. This point is still under consideration and you are invited to contribute.
When we turned to the right hand side, we were led to the identity
'sum(2^(m+1)/(m*binomial(2*m,m)),m=1..infinity)' = sum(2^(m+1)/(m*binomial(2*m,m)),m=1..infinity);
This in turn is the starting point of the spigot algorithm for
the computation of Pi, which amounts to a base conversion from a mixed-radix
base to some
So now Euler's equation turned into a limiting relation
or, in our new notation, things end happily as