   2:  namespace Luschny.Math.Primes
   3:  {
   4:      using System;
   5:      using System.Collections;
   6:      using System.Collections.Generic;
   7:      using System.IO;
   8:      using System.Threading;
   9:      using Luschny.Math.MathUtils;
  11:      using Xint = System.Numerics.BigInteger;
  13:      using Xmath = Luschny.Math.MathUtils.Xmath;
  15:  /// <summary>
  16:  /// This class implements a prime number sieve using
  17:  /// an algorithm given by Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.)
  18:  /// Author:  Peter Luschny
  19:  /// Version: 2008-09-12
  20:  /// </summary>
  21:  public class PrimeSieve : IPrimeSieve
  22:  {
  23:      readonly int[] primes;
  24:      PositiveRange sieveRange;
  25:      PositiveRange primeRange;
  26:      int numberOfPrimes;
  28:      /// <summary>
  29:      /// Initializes a new instance of the PrimeSieve.
  30:      /// </summary>
  31:      /// <param name="upTo">
  32:      /// The upper bound of the sieveRange to be sieved, this means,
  33:      /// the sieveRange [1,n] is searched for prime numbers.
  34:      /// </param>
  35:      public PrimeSieve(int upTo)
  36:      {
  37:          primes = new int[GetPiHighBound(upTo)];
  38:          sieveRange = new PositiveRange(1, upTo);
  40:          numberOfPrimes = MakePrimeList(upTo);
  41:          primeRange = new PositiveRange(1, numberOfPrimes);
  42:      }
  44:      /// <summary>
  45:      /// Prime number sieve, Eratosthenes (276-194 b. t.)
  46:      /// This implementation considers only multiples of primes
  47:      /// greater than 3, so the smallest value has to be mapped to 5.
  48:      /// Note: There is no multiplication operation in this function.
  49:      /// </summary>
  50:      /// <param name="composite">After execution of the function this
  51:      /// boolean array includes all composite numbers in [5,n]
  52:      /// disregarding multiples of 2 and 3.
  53:      /// </param>
  54:      private static void SieveOfEratosthenes(bool[] composite)
  55:      {
  56:          int d1 = 8;
  57:          int d2 = 8;
  58:          int p1 = 3;
  59:          int p2 = 7;
  60:          int s = 7;
  61:          int s2 = 3;
  62:          int n = 0;
  63:          int len = composite.Length;
  64:          bool toggle = false;
  66:          while (s < len)             // --  scan the sieve
  67:          {
  68:              if (!composite[n++])    // --  if a prime is found
  69:              {                       // --  cancel its multiples
  70:                  int inc = p1 + p2;
  72:                  for (int k = s; k < len; k += inc)
  73:                  {
  74:                      composite[k] = true;
  75:                  }
  77:                  for (int k = s + s2; k < len; k += inc)
  78:                  {
  79:                      composite[k] = true;
  80:                  }
  81:              }
  83:              if (toggle = !toggle)
  84:              {
  85:                  s += d2;
  86:                  d1 += 16;
  87:                  p1 += 2;
  88:                  p2 += 2;
  89:                  s2 = p2;
  90:              }
  91:              else
  92:              {
  93:                  s += d1;
  94:                  d2 += 8;
  95:                  p1 += 2;
  96:                  p2 += 6;
  97:                  s2 = p1;
  98:              }
  99:          }
 100:      }
 102:      /// <summary>
 103:      /// Transforms the sieve of Eratosthenes into the
 104:      /// sequence of prime numbers.
 105:      /// </summary>
 106:      /// <param name="n">Upper bound of the sieve.</param>
 107:      /// <returns>Number of primes found.</returns>
 108:      private int MakePrimeList(int n)
 109:      {
 110:          bool[] composite = new bool[n / 3];
 112:          SieveOfEratosthenes(composite);
 114:          int[] primes = this.primes;     // -- on stack for eff.
 115:          bool toggle = false;
 116:          int p = 5, i = 0, j = 2;
 118:          primes[0] = 2;
 119:          primes[1] = 3;
 121:          while (p <= n)
 122:          {
 123:              if (!composite[i++])
 124:              {
 125:                  primes[j++] = p;
 126:              }
 127:              // -- never mind, it's ok.
 128:              p += (toggle = !toggle) ? 2 : 4;
 129:          }
 131:          return j; // number of primes
 132:      }
 134:      /// <summary>
 135:      /// GetPiHighBound estimates the number of primes &lt;= n.
 136:      /// </summary>
 137:      /// <param name="n">The upper bound of the intervall under
 138:      /// consideration.</param>
 139:      /// <returns>a simple estimate of the number of primes &lt;= n.
 140:      /// </returns>
 141:      private static int GetPiHighBound(long n)
 142:      {
 143:          if (n < 17) return 6;
 144:          return (int)System.Math.Floor(((double)n) / (System.Math.Log(n) - 1.5));
 145:      }
 147:      /// <summary>
 148:      /// Get the n-th prime number.
 149:      /// </summary>
 150:      /// <param name="n">The index of the prime number.</param>
 151:      /// <returns>The n-th prime number.</returns>
 152:      public int GetNthPrime(int n)
 153:      {
 154:          // Handle potential under- or overflow
 155:          primeRange.ContainsOrFail(n);
 156:          return primes[n - 1];
 157:      }
 159:      /// <summary>
 160:      /// Checks if a given number is prime.
 161:      /// </summary>
 162:      /// <param name="cand">The number to be checked.</param>
 163:      /// <returns>True iff the given number is prime.</returns>
 164:      public bool IsPrime(int cand)
 165:      {
 166:          sieveRange.ContainsOrFail(cand);
 167:          // The candidate is interpreted as an one point interval!
 168:          return (new PrimeCollection(this, cand)).IsPrime();
 169:      }
 171:      /// <summary>
 172:      /// The default collection from the full sieve.
 173:      /// </summary>
 174:      /// <returns>The prime number collection.</returns>
 175:      public IPrimeCollection GetPrimeCollection()
 176:      {
 177:          return new PrimeCollection(this);
 178:      }
 180:      /// <summary>
 181:      /// Gives the collection of the prime numbers in the given intervall.
 182:      /// </summary>
 183:      /// <param name="low">The lower bound of the collection interval.</param>
 184:      /// <param name="high">The higher bound of the collection interval.</param>
 185:      /// <returns>The collection of the prime numbers between low and high.</returns>
 186:      public IPrimeCollection GetPrimeCollection(int low, int high)
 187:      {
 188:          return new PrimeCollection(this, new PositiveRange(low, high));
 189:      }
 191:      /// <summary>
 192:      /// Gives the collection of the prime numbers in the given range.
 193:      /// </summary>
 194:      /// <param name="range">The range of the collection.</param>
 195:      /// <returns>The prime number collection.</returns>
 196:      public IPrimeCollection GetPrimeCollection(PositiveRange range)
 197:      {
 198:          return new PrimeCollection(this, range);
 199:      }
 201:      /// <summary>
 202:      /// Gives the Product of the prime numbers in the given sieveRange.
 203:      /// </summary>
 204:      /// <param name="low">The lower bound of the collection.</param>
 205:      /// <param name="high">The upper bound of the collection.</param>
 206:      /// <returns>The Product of the prime numbers between low and high.
 207:      /// </returns>
 208:      public Xint GetPrimorial(int low, int high)
 209:      {
 210:          return GetPrimorial(new PositiveRange(low, high));
 211:      }
 213:      /// <summary>
 214:      /// Computes the Product of the prime numbers in the given sieveRange.
 215:      /// </summary>
 216:      /// <param name="range">The sieveRange of the enumeration.</param>
 217:      /// <returns>The Product of the prime numbers in the enumeration.
 218:      /// </returns>
 219:      public Xint GetPrimorial(PositiveRange range)
 220:      {
 221:          int start, size;
 222:          var pc = new PrimeCollection(this, range);
 223:          if (pc.GetSliceParameters(out start, out size))
 224:          {
 225:              return Xint.One;
 226:          }
 228:          return Xmath.Product(primes, start, size);
 229:      }    
 231:      ////////////////////// Private Inner Class ///////////////////////
 233:      /// <summary>
 234:      ///  PrimeCollection
 235:      ///  @author Peter Luschny
 236:      ///  @version 2008-09-12
 237:      /// </summary>
 238:      internal class PrimeCollection : IPrimeCollection
 239:      {
 240:          readonly PrimeSieve sieve;
 241:          readonly PositiveRange enumRange;
 242:          readonly PositiveRange primeRange;
 243:          readonly int start, end;
 244:          readonly bool isPrime;
 245:          int state, next, current;
 247:          /// <summary>
 248:          /// Initializes the prime collection for the given sieve.
 249:          /// </summary>
 250:          /// <param name="sieve">The sieve, the prime numbers of which
 251:          /// are to be represented by a collection.</param>
 252:          public PrimeCollection(PrimeSieve sieve)
 253:          {
 254:              this.sieve = sieve;
 255:              end = sieve.numberOfPrimes - 1;
 257:              enumRange = sieve.sieveRange;
 258:              primeRange = sieve.primeRange;
 259:          }
 261:          /// <summary>
 262:          /// Initializes a collection over a subrange of the range
 263:          /// of the sieve. An exception is thrown, if the range given
 264:          /// is not contained in the range of the sieve.
 265:          /// </summary>
 266:          /// <param name="sieve">Prime number sieve to be used.</param>
 267:          /// <param name="enumRange">Range of collection.</param>
 268:          public PrimeCollection(PrimeSieve sieve, PositiveRange enumRange)
 269:          {
 270:              sieve.sieveRange.ContainsOrFail(enumRange);
 272:              this.sieve = sieve;
 273:              this.enumRange = enumRange;
 275:              int nops = sieve.numberOfPrimes;
 276:              start = IndexOf(enumRange.Min - 1, 0,    nops - 1);
 277:              end   = IndexOf(enumRange.Max,     start, nops) - 1;
 279:              if (end < start) //--  PrimeRange is empty.
 280:              {
 281:                  end = -1; 
 282:                  primeRange = new PositiveRange(0, 0);
 283:              }
 284:              else
 285:              {
 286:                  primeRange = new PositiveRange(start + 1, end + 1);
 287:              }
 288:          }
 290:          /// <summary>
 291:          /// Initializes a collection consisting out of a single value.
 292:          /// An integer cand is prime iff there is a prime number
 293:          /// in the range (cand-1, cand].
 294:          /// </summary>
 295:          /// <param name="sieve">The sieve to be used.</param>
 296:          /// <param name="cand">The prime number candidate.</param>
 297:          public PrimeCollection(PrimeSieve sieve, int cand)
 298:          {
 299:              // Note, that this PrimeCollection is not made public 
 300:              // via PrimeSieve. It is used only to test primality. 
 301:              // It is a private constructor only for PrimeSieve.
 303:              this.sieve = sieve;
 304:              primeRange = enumRange = null;
 306:              start = IndexOf(cand - 1, 0, sieve.numberOfPrimes);
 307:              end = sieve.primes[start] == cand ? start + 1 : start;
 309:              isPrime = start < end;
 310:          }
 312:          /// <summary>
 313:          /// Affirms the primality of a collection of type (cand-1, cand].
 314:          /// </summary>
 315:          /// <returns>True if cand is prime.</returns>
 316:          public bool IsPrime()
 317:          {
 318:              return isPrime;
 319:          }
 321:          /// <summary>
 322:          /// Provides an enumerator of the current prime number collection.
 323:          /// This enumerator is thread save.
 324:          /// </summary>
 325:          /// <returns>An enumerator of the current prime number collection.
 326:          /// </returns>
 327:          IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator()
 328:          {
 329:              PrimeCollection result = this;
 331:              // Make the Enumerator threadsave!
 332:              if (0 != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref state, 1, 0))
 333:              {
 334:                  result = new PrimeCollection(sieve, enumRange);
 335:                  result.state = 1;
 336:              }
 337:              result.next = result.start;
 338:              return result;
 339:          }
 341:          // Implementing the IEnumerator<int> interface requires implementing
 342:          // the nongeneric IEnumerator interface also. The Current property
 343:          // appears on both interfaces, and has different return types.
 345:          /// <summary>
 346:          /// Provides an enumerator of the current prime number collection.
 347:          /// This enumerator is thread save.
 348:          /// </summary>
 349:          /// <returns>An enumerator of the current prime number 
 350:          /// collection.</returns>
 351:          IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
 352:          {
 353:              IEnumerable<int> enumerable = this;
 354:              return enumerable.GetEnumerator();
 355:          }
 357:          /// <summary>
 358:          /// The next prime number in the collection.
 359:          /// </summary>
 360:          /// <returns> The current prime number in the collection.</returns>
 361:          object IEnumerator.Current
 362:          {
 363:              get { return sieve.primes[current]; }
 364:          }
 366:          /// <summary>
 367:          /// The next prime number in the collection.
 368:          /// </summary>
 369:          /// <returns> The current prime number in the collection.</returns>
 370:          int IEnumerator<int>.Current
 371:          {
 372:              get { return sieve.primes[current]; }
 373:          }
 375:          /// <summary>
 376:          /// Checks the current status of the enumerator.
 377:          /// </summary>
 378:          /// <returns>True iff there are more prime numbers to
 379:          /// be enumerated.</returns>
 380:          bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
 381:          {
 382:              switch (state)
 383:              {
 384:                  case 1:
 385:                      if (next > end) goto case 2;
 386:                      current = next++; return true;
 387:                  case 2:
 388:                      state = 2; return false;
 389:                  default:
 390:                      throw new InvalidOperationException();
 391:              }
 392:          }
 394:          /// <summary>
 395:          /// Stop the enumerator before releasing resources.
 396:          /// </summary>
 397:          public void Dispose()
 398:          {
 399:              state = 2;
 400:              // This object will be cleaned up by the Dispose method.
 401:              // Therefore, a call to GC.SupressFinalize takes this object off
 402:              // the finalization queue and prevents finalization code for
 403:              // this object from executing a second time.
 404:              GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
 405:          }
 407:          /// <summary>
 408:          /// Throws an NotImplementedException.
 409:          /// </summary>
 410:          void IEnumerator.Reset()
 411:          {
 412:              throw new NotImplementedException();
 413:          }
 415:          /// <summary>
 416:          /// Identifies the index of a prime number.
 417:          /// Uses a (modified!) binary search.
 418:          /// </summary>
 419:          /// <param name="value">The prime number given.</param>
 420:          /// <param name="low">Lower bound for the index.</param>
 421:          /// <param name="high">Upper bound for the index.</param>
 422:          /// <returns>The index of the prime number.</returns>
 423:          private int IndexOf(int value, int low, int high)
 424:          {
 425:              int[] data = sieve.primes;
 427:              while (low < high)
 428:              {
 429:                  int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
 431:                  if (data[mid] < value)
 432:                  {
 433:                      low = mid + 1;
 434:                  }
 435:                  else
 436:                  {
 437:                      high = mid;
 438:                  }
 439:              }
 441:              if (low >= data.Length)
 442:              {
 443:                  return low;
 444:              }
 446:              if (data[low] == value)
 447:              {
 448:                  low++;
 449:              }
 451:              return low;
 452:          }
 454:          /// <summary>
 455:          /// Gives the prime numbers in the collection as an array.
 456:          /// </summary>
 457:          /// <returns>An array of prime numbers representing the collection.
 458:          /// </returns>
 459:          public int[] ToArray()
 460:          {
 461:              int primeCard = primeRange.Size();
 462:              int[] primeList = new int[primeCard];
 464:              System.Array.Copy(sieve.primes, start, primeList, 0, primeCard);
 466:              return primeList;
 467:          }
 469:          /// <summary>
 470:          /// Gives the start and size of the prime range.
 471:          /// </summary>
 472:          /// <param name="begin">start of the prime range.</param>
 473:          /// <param name="size">Size of the prime range.</param>
 474:          /// <returns>Prime range is empty.</returns>
 475:          public bool GetSliceParameters(out int begin, out int size)
 476:          {
 477:              bool empty = 0 == primeRange.Max; // If the primeRange is empty...
 478:              begin = empty ? 0 : start;
 479:              size = empty ? 0 : primeRange.Size();
 480:              return empty;
 481:          }
 483:          /// <summary>
 484:          /// Gets the number of primes in the current collection.
 485:          /// </summary>
 486:          /// <value>The number of primes in the current collection.
 487:          /// </value>
 488:          public int NumberOfPrimes
 489:          {
 490:              get
 491:              {
 492:                  if (end == -1) return 0;  // If primeRange is empty...
 493:                  return primeRange.Size();
 494:              }
 495:          }
 497:          /// <summary>
 498:          /// Gives the sieve range of the current collection.
 499:          /// </summary>
 500:          /// <value>Interval that was sieved.</value>
 501:          public PositiveRange SieveRange
 502:          {
 503:              get { return (PositiveRange)enumRange.Clone(); }
 504:          }
 506:          /// <summary>
 507:          /// Gets the range of the indices of the prime numbers
 508:          /// in the collection.
 509:          /// </summary>
 510:          /// <value>Range of indices.</value>
 511:          public PositiveRange PrimeRange
 512:          {
 513:              get { return (PositiveRange) primeRange.Clone(); }
 514:          }
 516:          /// <summary>
 517:          /// Writes the primes collection to a file.
 518:          /// </summary>
 519:          /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file to write to.
 520:          /// </param>
 521:          /// <returns>The full name of the file.</returns>
 522:          public string ToFile(string fileName)
 523:          {
 524:              FileInfo file = new FileInfo(@fileName);
 525:              StreamWriter primeReport = file.AppendText();
 526:              WritePrimes(primeReport);
 527:              primeReport.Close();
 528:              return file.FullName;
 529:          }
 531:          /// <summary>
 532:          /// Writes the primes collection to a stream.
 533:          /// </summary>
 534:          /// <param name="file">The name of the file where the collection
 535:          /// is to be stored.</param>
 536:          private void WritePrimes(StreamWriter file)
 537:          {
 538:              file.WriteLine("SieveRange   {0} : {1}",
 539:                  enumRange.ToString(), enumRange.Size());
 540:              file.WriteLine("PrimeRange   {0} : {1}",
 541:                  primeRange.ToString(), primeRange.Size());
 542:              file.WriteLine("PrimeDensity {0:F3}",
 543:                  (double)primeRange.Size() / (double)enumRange.Size());
 545:              int primeOrdinal = start;
 546:              int primeLow = sieve.primes[start];
 547:              int lim = (primeLow / 100) * 100;
 549:              foreach (int prime in this)
 550:              {
 551:                  primeOrdinal++;
 552:                  if (prime >= lim)
 553:                  {
 554:                      lim += 100;
 555:                      file.Write(file.NewLine);
 556:                      file.Write("<");
 557:                      file.Write(primeOrdinal);
 558:                      file.Write(".> ");
 559:                  }
 560:                  file.Write(prime);
 561:                  file.Write(" ");
 562:              }
 563:              file.Write(file.NewLine);
 564:              file.Write(file.NewLine);
 565:          }
 567:      }   // endOfPrimeCollection
 568:  } }  // endOfPrimeSieve